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We believe:
Relationship> Religion
Religion teaches you that you have to do. Christianity says that you can't do. You have to trust in the one who has done it for you. Every other religion in the world teaches a works based salvation. Religion keeps you in chains but Christ has set us free
Romans 11:6, Romans 4:4-5
Religion kills intimacy. God wants us to pursue Him. It is a relationship that God desires. He wants you to seek Him. Words mean nothing if the heart is not right. Are you in a religion or are you involved in a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ?
Deuteronomy 4:29, Matthew 15:8
Religion robs us of the love of God and will have you thinking it's all about what you deserve and what you do. God wants your relationship with Him to characterized by love and not duty. When you father is loveless or he never tells you about his love for you, you feel as if you have to do more to gains his love. God is shouting, "get to know my love for you."
Romans 8:35-39, Mark 12:33
Evidence of your faith in Christ will lead to new desires for Christ and for His word. People often say that Jesus hates religion but that's not true. Jesus hates hypocrisy and false religion
James 1:26-27
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